How to Set Blue Music Box on Dancer Identity V
Hello there! It's me Coraline back again with another blog but this time with quite a deeper analysis in this one. Although I've already made "The Best Build For Survivors", I found out that the Dancer's build could be tweaked further. I would also like to mention that the Dancer is quite a hard survivor to understand so please bear with me on this blog today. Without further ado, let's get started and happy reading everyone :)
The Dancer
The Dancer to me is a very good resource provider but the survivor isn't. She has a huge debuff on her similar to the Mechanic. Don't worry, I'll explain further so let's look down below in her traits. Overall, I would appreciate it if the Dancer is not in high tier matches as it would affect the game drastically.
The Dancer has this music box that would play differently. If it's red, it would increase the Survivors interactions however if it's blue, it would decrease the Hunter's interaction or speed as you would like to call it. This can be used as an excellent tool for the opening of the exit gates and decoding speed. But it's even much preferred to use this as tool for the opening of exit gates. Since the Dancer's tool quantity has only 3 which is a disadvantage not to mention whenever someone gets executed and would affect her buffs. I would get to that later but for now, the music box has a speed debuff as well. If you have two box, playing the same music with the same buff and somewhat overlapping the current music box, it would give a debuff on both the music box. This is why it's best to not waste it. It's best to have at least 1 dancer in the team as it wouldn't affect the buff. I'm not saying that having a full team dancer is good but it's best to not accidentally place the same music box with the same buff at the same place. Hence, the buff wouldn't work. The red music box increases speed interaction for survivors and with two similar boxes placed, it would decrease the speed interaction drastically. Same goes for the hunter as it would increase the speed for the hunter instead of slowing him down for the blue music box buff. You can increase the surface areas of the buffs by holding down the tool button. Which is essential for interactions.
I think this is trying to tell you to not overlap the current music box as it would provide a debuff in the speed but it would only affect the other survivors unlike the Dancer as it wouldn't since she has ears for a duet.
This is a good trait when it comes to escaping the hunter. When the hunter is chasing you at full speed, you can look out for areas which you could fall from great heights. Like the Hospital map where there is a area where you could just jump off from the current floor in the hospital. So once you've done that, it would give you a speed boost similar to vaulting over obstacles.
So this is the debuff that I've been talking about, similar to the Mechanic. However, the Mechanic would have a straight away 45% debuff for decoding ONLY if she has a teammate wounded or caught on the chair. But the Dancer however has a debuff for both decoding and kiting. So if I were to do the math here, 3(max stack) x 15(pallet & window interaction) is 45% which is equivalent to the Mechanic's debuff. However the Mechanic has a debuff only for decoding and if the teammate has been eliminated, It won't affect the Mechanic's decoding speed. Whereas for the Dancer, it affects both decoding for 10% and her kiting abilities up to 45% if her teammates screwed up, not wounded but eliminated. So as you can see, the Dancer is actually trash... Not to mention, she has a 10% decoding debuff which is even worse...
Dancer's Debuff Analysis
Dancer has a debuff in both decoding and kiting abilities PERMANENTLY and can be stacked up to 3 times once teammates get eliminated but not wounded but that's only for kiting abilities. As for her decoding speed, it's just 10%. In conclusion, this survivor isn't good for high tier matches as well as medium tier. She's good only if you're playing against low tier hunters and that's only for the LOLs but not competitively. With this debuff, decoding cipher machines can be a drag. Not to mention you only have 3 music boxes only which is highly suggested to use it while opening the exit gates, escaping or the last 2 or the absolutely last cipher machine.
Mechanic's Debuff Analysis
Mechanic has a debuff in decoding only when teammates get wounded and on the rocket chair but not ELIMINATED. The Mechanic has a kiting disadvantage which is the vaulting over obstacles for 30%. However, the mechanic could at least pull pallets down quicker or as per normal unlike the Dancer who couldn't if teammates gets eliminated.
Build 1
This is my original persona build for the Dancer. It may look funny but I'll explain down below for this one
Build 2
This build may or may not work so I tweaked it abit to make sure that the skill down south is maxed since it has more effectiveness than the top north skill. It has to do with the decoding speed. Since the down south skill is maxed, I can maxed out either the east side or the west side of the persona build. So this is the best for me however if you feel that it looks funny, you could switch to the other side for vaulting speed. Don't worry, this is how it looks like when it's level 100 persona.
Build 3
So if you like to max out both the north top and down south skills, this should do the trick.
Alright now, both build 2 and 3 are only to be used ONLY when you feel that you're confident and comfortable to assist your teammates and yourself when decoding. These 2 builds works well if you're decoding with teammates or decoding near to where your teammates are decoding. For build 1 however, it's both for kiting and independence build. Or you could try my previous blog of "The Best Persona Build For Survivors". Without further ado, let's jump in right into her skills. Only the important ones of course.
So this skill is for both the first build and the second build. This is essential for a survivor like the Dancer since she's abit weak for kiting. So if you got hit by the hunter and the exit gates are opened, you could be at least saved and be given a second chance.
This skill is for both the first build and the second build if you were to switch to the left side for the second build. Since she has a debuff once teammates get eliminated, with this skill, she could at least kite using windows instead of tight kiting when using pallets.
This skill is for both the first and third build. This is good for survivors since they're unable to see the Hunter's location. It only happens when the hunter is looking at you from behind. It's your chance to run or hide...
So this is for the first build. Since your teammates are absolutely precious to you, this skill could at least give them chance for once in awhile whenever they've missed a calibration for 75%. Better than nothing...
So this is for both the first build and the third build. It goes well as you will have a skill next that increases the speed once the exit gate has been activated. Make sure to get to the gate that doesn't have the hunter guarding it or close to it. As you might want to decode quick when using your music box.
Like I've mentioned, goes well with the above skill. Movement speed, that's all you need.
This one is important for build 2 and 3 as it would increase the decoding speed for 7%. Since the red music box buff isn't there, this would at least act as an alternative.
Unlike the above skill, this one is abit weaker as it only give a 4% buff max. This skill can be maxed out if you were to use build 3 as it only focuses primarily on decoding. But if you were to use build 2, this can't be maxed but it gives you a 3% buff.
Herd Effect & Hawthorn Effect Skills
Build 2 has both the above skills but with Herd effect maxed but Hawthorn with 3%. So if this adds up, it will cancel the Dancer's decoding debuff. So, the Dancer could decode as per normal as the others and would receive even more buff from the music box.
Build 3 focuses primarily on decoding so it has both the skills maxed. When it adds up, it has a 11% buff... Well at least you have 1% decoding speed hahaha better than no buff right? Okay, it may sound weird but it helps your other teammates...
So that's pretty much it for the Dancer. Hopefully this might help you out and be efficient and effective for your upcoming matches. Please do remember, practice makes perfect. Don't think that this build might 100% guarantee your victory royale lmao. But anyways thank you for reading this blog and have a good day everyone :)
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